Description - A nomadic grazer, Bison often travel in herds. Between the ages of 2 and 3 males bison join a herd of only males, these hers are noticeable smaller than the herds of female bison.

The mature female and males don’t congregate together again until mating season.

Adult Bison grow up to 2 meters in height and 3.5m in length on average, and weigh between 880-2,800 lbs. making them the largest terrestrial animal living in North America.

Habitat - Bison typically live in river valleys, semi open grasslands, scrubland areas and of course on the plains and prairies. Did you know that some Bison in Yellowstone National Park were found at elevations over 8,000 feet.

Key Features – Their most notable key feature are the horns seen on both the male and female Bison. Their massive heads are known to be use as battering rams as well.

Signs of Animal Activity / Warning Signs – When a bison raises its tail, false charges, paws the ground or turns its back towards you raises its tail and defecates back away immediately as there are telltale warning signs.

Behaviors – Bison are known roll in depressions, covering themselves with mud, dirt etc. This known as Wallowing and be a sign of multiple things from playful behavior to relief from insect bites. Evidence of this can be viewed along some of the trail at Elk Island National Park.

Bison can be very unpredictable, sometime acting docile like a cow grazing, only to charge anything without warning. Stay back at least 100m from these animals as they can travel at speeds of up to 56 km/h while remaining very agile. They can also be spooked easy when resting and accelerate quickly if startled’

Most Active Time – Bison are most active in early morning and late afternoon, as the rest of the day is spent wallowing (see Behaviour Section above) or grazing. Bison are diurnal meaning active at day.

Mating Season and Young – Also knows at rutting season on average goes from June till the end of September, peaking in July and August. Bison are very unpredictable at this time and should be given space. Bison Females known as cows are very protective of young calves from May till roughly the end of June.

Diet – Bison are known to consume hedges, grasses, woody plants and dandelions.

Infections and Illnesses – The main cause of illness in Bison in North America is malignant catarrhal fever which is an infectious, viral disease of many ruminants including bison, it occurs worldwide and if most often sporadic.

Migratory or Hibernation Patterns – Bison are known to develop thick, wooly coats that protect them from freezing temperatures and cold harsh winds.

Potential Viewing Area – Elk Island National Park, Waterton National Park

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